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Month: September 2021

How to Master Business in just 10 Minutes

Usually when I read an article headline like that one, I think "this is sleazy".

However I thought I'd risk it in this case because what I have to say today is really important and I want to get this information over to as many people as possible, and like it or not, headlines that promise miracles work!

It maybe is a sad indictment on the state of the world that everybody wants a quick fix but in this case it's actually true.

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Beating the Entrepreneurial Myth

Most small businesses come about because a technician (say a carpenter, plumber, dentist, graphic designer) gets an idea that instead of continuing to do what they do for someone else, they will start their own business and keep all of the lovely cash that was previously lining the pockets of their employer while they were paid the same salary regardless of how much value they brought to the business.

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12 things you won’t learn at business school

Every year there is a new flood of MBA graduates from all of the best business schools on the planet and some of the not so good ones too.

Unfortunately, even although their bank account says that yes, they've paid for the schooling alright and yes there is a nice scroll saying they have their MBA hanging on the wall, the vast majority of MBA or business school graduates are just like most of the rest of society:

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