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top 100 business schools

Top 100 Business Schools avoid this critical business theory

The Top 100 Business Schools avoid this piece of critical thinking in their MBA programs, dismissing it as too soft and somewhat less than tangible. Try telling that to Nordstrom. 10 Minute MBA creator John Quinn explains why entrepreneurs and business leaders need to develop their own version of his Theory of Everything

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5 reasons not to get an MBA

In my view there are a lot more than 5 reasons not to get an MBA, but this article is encouraging none the less. Let's face it MBA's are like Belly Buttons...everybody has one! It's more important to discover how you're going to differentiate yourself in the world. One way to do that is just to get started and do your own thing.

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Giving is the new selling

Giving is the new selling

There's no getting away from it, to be successful in business, you're going to need to sell stuff every day in life. But many great business ideas never see the light of day because their owner hates the thought of selling. I'm here to tell you that giving is the new selling, so it's time for you to step up, be yourself and watch the money roll in.

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10 minute MBA

The magic profit spell you won’t learn in Business School

A touchy subject this, but unfortunately there are many key things about being successful in business that you won't learn in Business School. One of the worst omissions in my view is that of the power of small changes and how these compound to make big improvements to business over remarkably short timescales. One such idea is the one I call my magic profit spell, which shows you how to take specific components of any business and make them unrecognisably better by changing things almost imperceptibly.

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